Critical incidents may trigger a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms, including increased heart rate, high blood pressure and anxiety. If your organisation experiences a critical incident, you need an experienced, qualified response to assist your staff immediately.

The three key steps to effectively managing a critical incident or traumatic event are:

  • Demobilisation: Critical incidents may trigger a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms, including increased heart rate, high blood pressure and anxiety. Demobilisation (rest, information and transition) is a way of calming workers following a critical incident and ensuring that their immediate needs are met. Our team can help you implement this process.
  • Defusing: These are limited only to individuals directly involved in the incident. They are designed to assist individuals in coping in the short term and address immediate needs.
  • Debriefing: This service is designed to be immediate and minimise the impact of trauma on employees.

It is imperative that your workplace has a clear workplace trauma response plan and is able to implement it as the need arises. Talk to an ACCESS Consultant on (08) 8215 6799 for more information on identifying risks in the workplace as well as policy and program development.

ACCESS Critical Incident Support provide comprehensive responses including 24 hour, seven-day access to debriefing for critical incidents.

If you have any other questions, you may find the answers in our Critical Incident Support FAQs.